Quality/Environment Policy
Quality/Environment Policy
Under the company policy, "We, through creation of products, aim to be a company needed by nature, society, and people.", the NPC Group consistently provides high quality products and services, committed to the protection of the global environment and further contribution to the society,
- being aware of our social responsibility,
- giving the highest priority to our customer's security,
- precisely understanding our customer's needs and feeding it back to our product,
- developing and applying technologies that protect the environment,
- trying to save use of non-renewable resources and energy, particularly fossil fuel, and promoting recycling to prevent global warming and reduce waste,
- complying with environment-related laws, regulations and other requirements that the Group has agreed to meet, with a focus on the prevention of pollution,
- establishing activities aimed at concrete goals and objectives for the improvement of the quality and the environment, together with regular reviews and the continuous improvement of its environmental management system.