Diversity & Inclusion Policy
Diversity & Inclusion Policy
The NPC Group aims to achieve sustainable growth by becoming a company that is resilient to change.
To that end, we believe it is necessary to create an environment in which employees with diverse personalities can fully demonstrate their individual strengths and exert a positive influence on each other.
Based on this idea, we will promote diversity and inclusion and implement measures to create an environment where all employees can work comfortably, demonstrate their abilities to the maximum.
We strictly prohibit discrimination based on gender, nationality, work history, age, thoughts, values, etc. in recruitment activities.
We place the right person in the right place, taking into account the aptitude, intentions, living conditions, etc. of our employees to create an environment where each individual can play an active role.
We develop and improve the personnel system and work environment, with the aim of realizing appropriate work style according to each situation and to retain employees.
We support establishment of harmonious relationship between employees so that they can respect each other's diverse personalities.
We thoroughly disseminate the diversity and inclusion policy through educational activities, and build an internal system to comply with it.
Recruiting Diverse Talent
Promotion of Women's Active Participation
In accordance with the Law for the Promotion of Women's Activities, we have set a goal of increasing the percentage of women among newly hired workers to 10%. We have also made efforts to let job seekers know that our workplace has a great work environment for women, and in the fiscal year 2023, 5 out of 11 hires were women, which is 45.45% of the total, achieving our goal.
Employment of Persons with Disabilities
We have been proceeding the employment of employees with disabilities by assigning the right personnel to the right positions in consideration of their aptitudes, intentions, and living conditions, and by creating an environment in which each individual can play an active role. We have exceeded the legally mandated employment rate for the fiscal year 2023. In line with this expansion, we are also working to improve and upgrade our personnel system and workplace environment.
Employment of Foreign Personnel
We currently have five foreign employees working at NPC. Upon hiring, we provide assistance such as assisting visa applications and sharing information about dependents for income tax purposes in their native languages, based on their needs.
Optimal Staffing of Diverse Employees
Semi-Annual Goal Setting and Confirmation of Transfer Requests
Twice a year, employees set their own challenging goals in consultation with their supervisors. By setting goals that are appropriate for each individual, we create an environment in which each employee is motivated and can play an active role. We also confirm the transfer requests at that time, and work to assign the right personnel to the right positions so that employees can work in ways that match their aptitudes and life stages.
Creating a Comfortable Work Environment for a Diverse Workforce
Increasing Efficiency at Work
In order to improve the work-life balance, which we believe is particularly important in creating a comfortable work environment, we usually end our work on time and allow overtime only when there is an urgent reason. We believe that this basic policy of finishing work on time not only improves work-life balance, but also leads to higher productivity by making each employee more aware of the need to focus on work more intensively and efficiently. Through this initiative, overtime hours for the fiscal year 2023 were 8 hours/month.
Flexible Working Style (Tokyo Head Quarter)
Staggered Working Hours
We have the system of staggered working hours, allowing to adjust working hours between 7:30~9:30 to reduce the burden caused by the crowdedness of the commuter train, and to suit each employee’s lifestyle.
Staggered Lunch Break
Employees are allowed to take lunch breaks anytime between 11:00~14:00.
Permission to work at home
Considering recent social conditions, we allow employees to work from home depending on their living environment. At Matsuyama Factory, divisions except the manufacturing division are also allowed to work from home depending on the situation. Employees with permission at the Tokyo Head Quarter work from home two to three days a week.
Creating a Comfortable Work Environment
In addition to a one-hour lunch break, we provide one 15-minute break each in the morning and afternoon for the employees to refresh.
Tokyo Head Quarter
Coffee machines and water servers are available, and there is a refreshing area to use in the break time.
Matsuyama Factory
Vending machines for beverages and snacks are available, boxed lunches are sold at the in-house store.
The factory has an air-conditioner to provide a comfortable working environment.
Balancing Work and Childcare
Depending on the situation, employees may extend their childcare leave beyond the child's first birthday. After returning from childcare leave, we have a system in place to support the employees in case they need to leave work early or miss work due to sudden illness or other sudden problems that happened their children.
Promotion of Paternity Leave
We provide individual explanations of the paternity leave system to male employees who are expecting a child in order to familiarize them with the system.
Opportunities for Employee Interaction
We are proving opportunities for the employees to interact with each other to ensure that employees respect each other's diverse personalities and build a good relationship.
・Subsidizing club activities
・NPC Matsuyama Festival (In-house event for employees and their families)
Click here for more information about NPC Matsuyama Festival
・Morning meeting